A written description through weakest time, breath, heart, and
finger-typing for the best supporter ever in my 1 year and 6 months
here: Mr. Martin Aeschlimann.
Oh, and for Mr. Gindo Sianturi too, an available 24 hours shoulder services to cry on or laugh out loud!
Dear Passion...
We are in a good relationship for 1 year 6 months until finally my heart skip a beat to run to catch you.
Dear Passion...
I whisper you a sincere "Don't let me loose you" and I know you dying hard to stay.
I run to you and you keep running fast.
I catch you with the rest of my strength and one last breath but you don't even look your back.
Dear Passion...
Now I hope you understand that I'm not give up.
When you keep running and fly away, I choose to walking away to let you go,
I'm walking away for maybe someday we can fix our friendship to start the new beginning.
P.S. I miss you.
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