Sunday, October 20, 2019

It's Not "Only a Dog"

“Come on, it’s only a dog.” As much as I’m tired to explain “no, it’s not” I let them do whatever they’d like to say. Remember, your circle gets smaller by age but your vision gets clearer.

And still, it’s not "it's only a dog".

The bond between humans and dogs are different, our world and their world swirled together, symbiotic deal. By contrast, humans and dogs are adoring each other.

It’s not "it's only a dog", guaranteed.

You will meet a guy who you think heartless just because he has a judgmental look (full tattoos, long hair, ripped jeans, etc) but he cried like a kid when his puppy died, he even made a tattoo in his pulse hand.
You will meet a guy who departs from his working place in Jakarta, heading to the airport to take an immediate flight to Bali knowing his dog died and crying like there’s no tomorrow in your shoulder.
You will meet a lady who takes unpaid leave and forget her job because her dog has died.
You will meet a lady who helps 110 dogs in somebody’s island and sacrifice her life for them.
You will meet a lady who bravely saying we’re all okay while they’re not. I cannot imagine how strong is she with the epilepsy dog, with the paralyzed dog and trying to keep rescue other dogs because she thinks dogs deserve.
You will meet an old guy crying and do a proper funeral for the dead dog and replace him with a similar dog so he will not feel the total lost.
You will meet a lady who sets the rules “you date me, you date my dogs",  one fine package.
You will meet a guy who’s not taking a great job offer because he knows he can’t bring his dogs to that country.
You will meet a guy who travels to all the quarantine spots from Bali to Australia and made to see his dog every time he had the chance.
You will meet a lady who cried and screaming to the doctor begging him to save her dog’s ill and you end up crying too, seeing that scenario.

And you’ll meet me who’s not the right person you “it’s only a dog” to me.

When I was in high school, I don’t want to go to school, doing my homework and eat until my dog come back; my heartless uncle throws her in the street. My Baby Girl here, Roxy, who I raise with Gareth, is my everything. Everything. Read that again. My heart breaks for even only saying goodbye just to go to the laundry in front of the house. My tears run like water when she’s at the hospital even though I know she will be alright. Imagine how much mutual-services contract between two very different species became something much more like love? She is love, she is my love, she’s everything I have.

I can’t close my eyes to see that my baby is a beautiful puppy everyone’s like to pet, taking a picture, babysit or even would love to have her. Some of them will be politely asking permission, some are not and there’s always one jerk who does it annoyingly.
It was one fine meal until this jerk arrives and start his cheap jokes or trying to be friendly to me because he’s a friend of my friend. He said  he likes Roxy and will take her from me and I wouldn't know it anyway because I'm in Jakarta. He keeps repeating that. Once; I take it as a compliment, twice; I remind not, third; I said yes I know where you live and you won’t be happy with the way I protect my kids, the forth; I pay the bill and leave. Game on. Not once nor twice I keep repeating myself saying “if you could find a truck that could hit me till I die in front of you, you can have Roxy” yet he didn’t get it. He thinks we are such a close friend and I am easily impressed just because he is a westerner. I am not, and it is disturbing to see him on the island as I feel god damn insecure or it’s just disgusting to see his face.
Good point that he apologize through text:
 “Good morning Risya HDR here. It was not my meaning to upset you about the dogs as I love them too... if upset you I apologise for that! I moving next month with my family and would be great to catch up again.”
My response:
“HDR, Good Morning. There are so many different types of humans with their character and intellectual background. I am not the same with those Indonesian you hang out in Hong Kong or Indonesia that your filthy mouth and cheap joke are accepted. I feel insecure since you said that to me and I don't know why I have to keep repeat it again and again until I decide to leave the table that night yet you still think that it is FUNNY and it's only a JOKE. Not for me, as Indonesian living in my own country, we have Justice and Human Rights to protect us whenever we feel insecure.
The apology is accepted but please stop saying you love Our Kids too, there's no blessing for you to get any closer. I wish you the best of luck moving to my country and I will not look forward to seeing you around.
Responding to my text is not necessary. Thank You.”
Then we block each other on the WhatsApp. I block him in my life, for sure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, just because you are westerner here doesn’t mean we praise you that much. Just because you are westerner, we are not adoring you that much. Just because you’re one of the income supporters by visiting the country (even though you stay in a cheap hotel room, drinking in the cheap bar and eating in a cheap local warung), doesn’t mean you are a hero in this country that you could talk whatever you wish to us. Just because you are male westerner and I’m female Indonesian, doesn’t mean I am the same person you met.
And just because you shock with the way I’m responding, you shock that you finally talk with smart ass woman with a brain, you DO NOT think that I’m the one who has an issue and I’m the one who needs to see the doctor. Everybody has an issue. And when you meet those persons in this story, remember that God gives us brain and heart; act as you have it so you can also buy a mirror to see yourself.

It is, still, not “it’s only a dog”. Not for me and dog pawrents I met or the dog pawrents out there.

Hands are shaking writing this and I feel so exhausted until Lee sends me the messages during his busy time saying "He's only a guy, so thoughtless. But surprising? Dogs are the best people, I don't understand human people. Don't you lose another moment rest over it. You should have told him that he'd need to see a doctor if he keeps talking like that. Don't you worry about it, I think you put too much importance on other people's words. You know what is true, stay true to yourself. Roxy is so lucky to have you!"

 The same way Roxy giving to me, with or without the toy. She will look at you like you're everything to her. 

And I told Lee, "One day, someone will look at me same way as Roxy does. One day, someone will love me the same way as Roxy does." One day, Lee. One day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I Know, I Know

"We know you loved him, but don't give him the power to destroy you, it's not worth the sacrifice."

"I know, I know," I said.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Don't Lose Who You Are

"And I know it feels a little bit cheesy, but I don't think people say it to each other enough: life is a waste of time if you are anything but who you are."