Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ada Selamat Tinggal...

Sudah lama sekali air matanya tidak berlinang karena lelaki.
Terakhir di hari yang sama, saat ia harus menahan sakit jarum suntik rumah sakit yang harus sudah diganti namun ia enggan karena terlalu sakit rasanya. Di hari yang sama, ada air mata yang jatuh memaksa antara senang dan sedih.

Lebih sakit dari jarum yang seharusnya diganti. Tapi ditahannya setengah mati, dan setengah hati, waktu kekasih hatinya pamit dengan rasa khawatir. Menjaga perasaan perempuannya yang terbaring lemah di kasur rumah sakit, namun tidak sanggup pula kekasihnya tidak membagi cerita bahagianya.

Pelan-pelan kekasihnya bicara “It looks like I won’t be moving back to Jakarta”.

Ia tertegun sejenak. Nafasnya yang satu-satu ia sanggupkan untuk menjadi pribadi yang ikhlas, dan menyisakan beberapa detik untuk akhirnya membalas “ :’) I know”

Air matanya tumpah, deras melebihi cairan infus yang kian menemani malam-malamnya yang sepi. Sarung bantal bau rumah sakit-nya basah. Kalau saja ia bisa teriak dan mencabut infus demi rasa sakitnya, kalau saja ia juga bisa menyembuhkan rasa sakit hatinya di saat yang sama, sungguh akan ia lakukan.
Namun janjinya kepada sang kekasih dan kepada Tuhan, untuk turut bahagia kalau memang pergi dari Indonesia membuat kekasihnya bahagia lebih dari apapun, sungguh janji itu ia tepati. Saat itu juga.

Surat cintanya yang diam-diam dia buat namun disembunyikan karena rasa segan, akhirnya diberikan. “All the best Risya, I will read it.” Ada satu ikon peluk di sana.
Tidak lagi ia dengar kata Baby, atau Babe, atau Sayang seperti biasa kekasihnya memanggilnya.

Dengan sangat memaksa, ia lalu bersikap seolah tidak terjadi apa-apa. Mengabari kekasihnya perkembangan sakitnya yang luar biasa sakitnya kali ini. Dan tidak pernah dijawab.
Namun ia tahu, jauh di sana, betapa lebih sakit kekasihnya menahan rasa ingin memeluk atau sekedar berbisik “All will well”.

Hari ini, air mata itu jatuh lagi. Bukan karena tembang Bruno Mars – When I Was Your Man terdengar berkali-kali. Bukan juga karena perutnya yang terlalu sakit. Tetapi saat ia meminta maaf, mungkin untuk terakhir kalinya.
“I can’t stop to annoy you David. Not until I really know that you will never come back”
Hatinya girang, waktu tau kekasihnya (bukan lagi) bisa dihubungi. Dan lalu lelakinya menjawab
“You will find a nice guy someday”.
Degup jantungnya semakin cepat, air matanya ditahan, takut-takut Ayah-Ibunya mendapati gadis kecilnya menangis, dipatahkan hatinya karena asmara.

“Is it a pushy things to makes me move on? I’m trying. Trust me I’m trying.
Don’t push me too hard to move my feet, Dave. I’ve tried many times. And I need some time.”

Perempuan ini semakin tidak terima, ketika memang ia sadari bahwa pekerjaan itu, yang merenggut kekasihnya kembali pulang. Pulang ke negara asalnya, bukan pulang ke hatinya. Bukan karena lelakinya tidak mau bersamanya tapi memang semua tentang pekerjaan.

Kalau saja ia bisa lari dan menuntut semuanya, tapi tidak ia lakukan. Hatinya keras, memaksakan dirinya menerima semua dan menjanjikan semua akan baik saja. Walau ia terlalu lelah, menjanjikan hal yang sama dengan nyata yang tak pernah sama.

Tepat 2 hari yang lalu ia berteriak kecil “No, no, no, no, no, no way I’m not waking up tomorrow morning and finding that there’s no David and Doogle around!”

Hari ini, 22 Agustus 2013, tepat di hari mereka harus benar-benar berpisah, ada selamat tinggal terucap:
“Take care, Dave. Thanks for being my life.”

Tangisnya pecah. Dan semua terasa dingin. Beku, hawa panas hilang diserapnya.

 untuk engkau yang mencinta dan dicinta :')

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

For Snow Fall on the Sahara

It's almost 3 months ago when he remind me not to like him 'that' much.
It's almost 3 months ago when I wrote something about him.. and he suddenly.. gone.

And after 3 months I let myself freely in living.
Spend most my weekend without knowing with whom and where to go.
Keep sending him a good night indicating that he's the only person I remember even when I'm off to bed and the only one in my mind with no reply...

I admit myself while I'm looking deep down on him with my crystal eyes :')

D: How are you? Just a second after he kissed my lips.
Me: Sucks. Without you.
D: Oh yea? Well me too.

Yes! The fact that not having him in my life is possibility really sucks.
For every laugh, smile, hug, memory, fight, cry, and deep conversation, of course, I want to be with him.

D: Welcome home, baby. So this is the new house, very huge right?  I'm waiting for your comment, you like it?
Me: Keep staring at his eyes and ain't answer anything. Babe, I'm speechless, this is a very dream house of people, huge, with swimming pool and dog, what else to ask? I'm happy to be with you around, as long as you around, Dave :')

Well, I still don't have any idea see how me and him -us- working these things out. Yea, we're not 'that' far, but maybe we are the part of relationship's diagram: love-couple-sex-it's complicated-perfect match-f buddy-friendship.

Or maybe sometimes you feel everything and nothing all at once. Sometimes I find myself smiling when missing something at the same time. At times, I can absolutely love a person while wanting to hate them.
Well, that's again life! Comes with no guarantee but you have the right to expect that something can brighten your face-by-the-time-I'm-telling-him-the-truth-that-how-I-miss-being-with-him-after-he-ask-me-do-you-like-me-that-much?-


Who cares about shit happens for a perfect reason? About how he may now at the weakest need someone to lift him up! I'm in! Count me in!

I can't promise to fix all your problems, Babe. But I can promise you won't have to face them alone.
At least, you can cherish for I never give up on you...

 May I?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

You Accept The Love You Think You Deserve

I don’t have any idea how many people fallin’ in fallin’ out of love.

Tried to love and or to be loved but always end up with a broken heart.

And how many people still believe that true love truly exists? The rest can go with such lovely things uncalled love; flirt, dating, one-night stand.

Me? I’ve tried and I try to move my feet, move on from somebody that I know he doesn’t exist, his love may don't exist too, his memories, his sudden feeling. 

Well, I’m not ‘that’ naïve can say a flowery thing or flowery words is a crazy little thing called love, no I’m not.

I keep everything flowing like a river even I know it surely to the sea, but can I say I’m tired?
I’m tired of guessing, I’m tired even not expecting something I know I didn’t do that.
People hurt, people leave, and life must go on.

You may in love with somebody that loving another person even you know it doesn’t work. People also may love you even they know that you’re just not into him.

And yes, it’s not a game; it’s a real fact of a real life that you can always accept anything you don’t want.
You want to be her so he can love you. Does he want to be with him so I can love him?

It’s not how things works as well, darling. 

People need space, to freely live their own life, to know what they must do, what they must say even it hurts or even its not acceptable…

And if wisdom is the only one you have to accept all the things that you can’t change… Do you mind to believe, that true love may truly exist? That you are really deserved to accept the love?

In the other way and in the other time, I may choose to believe it :’)

What Passion Can Do

Good afternoon, Sir. 
My name is K, I’m the manager on duty in charge of our property. Is there anything I can help to assist you, Sir?

He’s screaming out to my face and telling me everything. Describe me how he hates the hotel, how the reception doesn’t work as they used to be, how he hates the porter cause he keeps thinking that all we do is so wrong.

Well, I’m not assigned to be slapped by complainer; I didn’t apply to be-a-garbage-that-you-all-can-say-anything-you-want-to me.
Do I look ‘that’ nice so in the end sometimes you just stop saying a word and no idea what’s to continues, to be say sorry as well for what you did?

Do you need a brain, do you need a heart, take mine, take everything all I have.
 Yea I wish I can say it But I can’t. 

For every bad treatment people do, I keep quiet, for every word hurt, I keep forgive, and to back to the front line as I’m on fire enjoying to be a front liner, is all about passion.

Respect and money have nothing to do with this, what money can do in delivering the message that required a satisfaction? It has nothing to do.

Happy MOD K, you are loved, Miss Manager On Duty!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy 'Bubbly' Birthday, Chris!

No, I swear I don't forget your birthday. Not even you put 23 in your mail ID so people can confuse you were born on 23 July instead of 22 July. Not also surer because your mom posts on your Facebook's wall, sweet wishes :')

My reminder keeps blinking as my heart also still skip a beat every time I remember you. It's 12:00 midnight Indonesia time- I'm dying hard to open up my eyes and say a little prayer with lotta wishes -a-wishing-you-all-the-best- for you, Mr. Gordon.

A morning hello to my birthday boy and how I'm wishing you around, how I'm wishing the best cuddling or the warmest hug.

Just give me a reason | Just a little bit's enough | Just a second we're not broken just bent | And we can learn to love again | My alarm wakes me up, yeah learn to love again.
I'd love to, but it seems aaaaagh OK.

My manager on duty schedule today while I keep thinking what's to show you that here, Indonesia is also celebrating your birthday.

A glass of Tomato Cooler, a slice of Red Velvet Cake, a Happy Birthday Card, and me.
Went to roof top 33rd floor and close my eyes again. No, I will not jump to the down or wishing I could fly to Sydney just to blow a candle with you.

At least, what must happen, will happen.

It's Friday already, the day that I can't believe I'm still here, just can't stop thinking about you.

P.S. Guess what :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Daughter's First Love

How many guy did you fall in and let them broke your heart without realizing that Dad is your true love?

Yes, Dad is a daughter's first love.

I can't remember how many times I annoy my Dad or the other way around which I really don't mind :')

I'm 25 years old by next month, but my Dad still reminds me this morning to pay the bill on time.

Truly inspired to share you these:

Well, my future husband and child definitely will have the precious sights as this: 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Perempuan Itu Saya!

Tidak ia berkeluh kesah waktu hatinya pedih pilu karena ada saja yang berusaha menyakitinya.
Tidak juga ia menyesal tidak mengambil tawaran yang ia anggap mampu mengajarkannya bagaimana ketidakpedulian mampu menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri tanpa perlu berusaha keras.

Air matanya tumpah ketika sunyi senyap dengan sedikit hembusan angin terdengar di telinganya.
Tubuhnya jatuh berlutut saat ia berjalan dan memasrahkan hidup serta hatinya kepada Tuhan.
Susah payah ia bersembunyi dari mereka yang bahkan tidak lagi tahu kepada siapa ia memohon doa. Kepada siapa ia bertekuk lutut memohon harapan dan kasih setia.
Jiwanya yang setengah kosong dipertaruhkan demi Tuhan-nya yang ia yakini kekasih paling setia.

Tidak, tidak ia takut kepada matahari yang meninggalkan kilau cokelat di tubuhnya.
Tidak juga ia hindari mereka yang berkulit putih jatuh hati.
Hatinya sederhana, dalam diam ia berharap ada satu nantinya yang akan menjaganya hingga akhir hayat.
Pun pikirannya, tidak ia pedulikan orang lain berkata dan berpikir apa hingga terpaksa ia harus berbuat serupa.

Apalagi? Rambutnya yang panjang dan sehat dibiarkan tergerai jatuh dengan sempurna.
Senyumnya yang menyembunyikan pilu ditebarkan dengan mudah kepada siapa saja. Siapa saja.
Tawanya yang menyimpan sejuta luka ia biarkan bergaung di udara.
Angin dan hujan tetap mengiri langkahnya yang tampak kuat tanpa lelah.
Kakinya dibiarkan tidak berbentuk, menahan sakit sepatu tinggi yang ia kembali gunakan setelah sekian lama ia tinggalkan dan menggantinya dengan sendal jepit.

Dia rindu itu, 2 potong penutup buah dada dan kedua pantatnya yang mereka bilang luar biasa besarnya, dan sepasang sendal jepit atau kaki telanjang menemaninya pulang ke rumah: pantai.
Hanya di sana damai ia temukan. Cintanya datang dan pergi di tempat yang sama.
Kalau saja ia masih berharap suatu saat ia kembali, sudah pasti cintanya yang akan ia datangi.

Ketika bicara cinta, hanya Chris saja yang mampu ia sebut dan ia ingat.
Tidak tentang memori, tapi dua hal: hati dan rumah.
Lelaki-lelaki lain hanya dibiarkan menghibur harinya yang keras.
Mengisi kekosongan yang sebenarnya tidak pernah kosong.

Oh, tidak juga soal pengakuan. Ada status yang ia butuhkan hanya untuk eksistensi.
Selebihnya, hati dan cintanya dipenjarakan sampai akhirnya tiba.
Pulang kembali ke rumah.

Merasa istimewa? Tidak pernah. Ia diberkati oleh Tuhan, dengan sangat luar biasa :')

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Maybe Part Of Loving, Is Learning To Let Go...

I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you

Oh damn! The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Move suddenly playing on my iTunes and it's raining outside. This is not Facebook that asking you 'What's on your mind?' But as usual, writing about you is always the easiest, Chris.

They say falling in love is easy, but staying in love is very special. They can always also easily say move on while they don't want to understand how I also ask God to move my feet. No, they don't.

And this is what happened, how if you're the only one I want to annoy for the rest of life?
 I read our old messages and smiling like the first time I read them. I don't ever want to forget your face but if I don't forget your face, I'll go crazy.
And that's how love usually works...

If you read this, give me a sign, Mister :')

Or I may really the only one rowing the boat...

Oh, or should I keep my faith , about me, you, and us?

P.S. I miss you. I miss us.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

All Is Well

Me, music, and hot tea.

Remembering how couple weeks before I left, working on Saturday and Sunday is become more interesting. Yes, I can freely working- even by myself- and avoid the drama that I really don't want to deal.

I look at my right side how Jakarta spread the sun today. Thinking to go out and looking at the beach I usually do but :( oh I'm not in Nusa Dua anymore, not in the place when I open my door I can enjoy the lagoon with birds flying around. Not with the lagoon with biawak a.k.a monster lizard can makes me scream somehow.

And no beautiful sandy beach for me to have a look. Oh dear!

What I'm trying now is being okay with where am I even I know I want to change it. It has been said time heals all wounds and I'm on my way to believe it. In time, I may be act too old not to take 20 seconds being insane for what I may have now: 4 Stars. Hahah. What the hell on my mind when I decide to take this opportunity?

Maybe this words "And at the same point, sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places."
Anyway I respect my self enough for these, I grow up (even I hate it), and keep thinking about happiness.

Yea I'm a normal women, I break down temporarily, but I'm a real women too for sure.
I pick up the pieces, rebuild myself and come back stronger than ever.

And I start each day like it's my birthday. Oh nooo!
Okay, I live to the fullest, like there's no tomorrow.

And every time they said "All will fine, all will always good" I mean it and it's real...

Note to self: stop expecting :')

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So It Goes Some Things Are...

It's strange how we meet as strangers but there is something that...

Okay. I suddenly landed inside your arms.
Breathing in slowly. Realizing my fingers fit properly with yours. Closing my eyes and see you smiling.

Yea I know moving on is always take some time and is always become -a never easy things to do- not because about the process but it's always about you, either you want it or you don't want it: to move on.

Am I right? Oh, it's not about right or wrong. It's not also about love or may a sudden feeling in the end.
But... Like a river flows, so surely to sea, darling!

And still.. I don't know.. as my heart always stumbles on things I don't know. What I know is from the moment we started talking I knew I wanted you around. Whooops...!

Surely we're not gonna talk about love, nor serious relationship. I will also not gonna waste the time I can show you how beautiful it is; enjoying the city while you hug me from my back, how cuddling is the best damn thing we can have on a lazy Sunday, oh, not even expecting these cute way to say worth thing:

 Just enjoy every single random things we have. Space, freedom, playtime, relationship, intimacy, spontaneity, LOVE. Hello? That's what life is about. That's it!

Moving on or protect yourself from what they called love, easily falling in love or falling in to bed (:p), is again your choice :)

Because it is beautiful to love, and to be free at the same time...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

All for Love

So how does it feels, after 1,5 months leaving a great life in Bali and back for good to Jakarta?
Sh*t! Welcome back, welcome to Jakarta, a place where no shirt and no flip flop is a problem.
Welcome! Traffic madness, billboard jungle, oh, and here, in Jakarta, you need special pair of eyes to really get the unconventional beauty that is everywhere. Hahaha!

Apart from Jakarta, here it is. There comes a time in life when you'll have to leave everything behind and start something new but never forget the ones who stood by your side, especially for they're never gave up on you.

Been in my weakest time for some time; can't be relax, can't deal with process which takes time and courage too. Yes! All coming at the same time 'till I finally ask this silly question:

What do I look like? You need my heart? You need my brain?
Go ahead take mine! Take all I have!

Took a deep breath and thankful that love from surround and from you God, is strongly wake me up to moving on. How do I thanks to you both? And to You, Lord?

:') Overall I learn quite a life...

Success, is, again isn't just about what you accomplish in your life, but also what you inspire to do. And your life as well, that you may share to your surround and someday when you look at some of them, you are brave enough to say:

"I've been there, done that"

And I'm lucky I did it in my 24... Well, being 20 something is hard, isn't it? lol

 Singing I Love You, Lord :')

I'm dedicating my love letter for those who keep raise me up when I was really weak, supporting me never end, pray for me all day long, and most of it, they never leave me :')

Terima kasih semesta! Untuk keluarga, sahabat, cinta, harta, dan tahta yang mencinta.

 Proud daughter 24YO - Asst. Banquet Sales Manager - for Proud Daddy!

All is well.. and everything will gonna be okay :')

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dare To Go The Distance...!

It's been 2 months, sleepless night without him and been homesick for him since we met.

Whossah! There's nothing worse than meeting the perfect person at the wrong time.
Well I'm not that strong somehow; ready for a new hallo after the hardest goodbye.
No, I'm not, even I'm strong enough to keep the faith, that we're meant to be.

What about reading your love letter again and again is still my favorite?

What about your wishes is something that I'll keep it as a promise?

What about seeing your picture is such watching you when you're sleep?

And dreaming about you every night or day dreaming about us is the only thing I still want to make it real?

Or what about I'm running to the island of hope again, a place when the truth is really hurt and hope is just hope?

Oh, I like all about loving you in the same way I learned how to ride a bike, scared but reckless.
Wanna help?

P.S.  I miss cuddles. And tea. And blankets. And YOU, Chris.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Falling To Pieces

Alright, I have acute withdrawal symptoms of leaving Bali.

The real Risya or the real K is temporarily out of service until further notice.

If I may telling you I never been this worst, it seriously sounds -what-a-silly-stupid-thing for sure.
Every people have their own cycle of life and if you're lucky enough you'll have it all veeery steady, so you will never feel surprised when you're in the lowest one.

Readers, two important keys for whatever you have and whatever you do is:
1. NEVER regret. Just don't.

2. BE GRATEFUL of what you have; love of friends, parents, and God.
They will never leave you even at your weakest time.

For those who left, keep pray for them.
Choose to be happy no matter how you hide your pain behind every "I'm Okay", no matter you cry behind your laugh.

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
And at the same point, sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places.

Miss the real Risya, the real K? Feel her around!

She looked back on her life and realized that everything happened will only make her stronger. She's on about to turned her can't into can, and her dream into plan.

She's so fine. She's try effortlessly :')

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Don't Like Food. I Love It ❤

"If you think so, then you have to do something with that" -Ron

"Kenapa Neng, sesak yah?" - Pak Dar

Those two answers are coming for the same statement "I think I'm fat (again)."

I keep seeing my pictures lately, I keep look at the mirror, but I keep chewing. Hell yea.
Try to find excuses? Come on, hahaha.

Here they are:

Hahah, I don't know how many times I become seriously thin, skinny, obese, fat, the cycle of, ah, hahahah. 
I really can't stop laughing. Yea I eat a lot, not in big portion but many times- they say it's better and healthy.

White Skin - Thin VS Tan Skin - Fat

Diet? Yea I'd love to but I think enough diet for runway, planning to be stewardess, and the last time my diet is for Miss Scuba Indonesia. Should I start again?

Oh, on period time like these, apart from the 'yelling' things of PMS girl, I eat more than usual. 
Remember one month ago I can't finish my favorite lunch with my favorite guy with favorite view, that's the time I feel like I'm full. And after one hour, I order dessert and Chris was surprised.

Well, this self-centeredness girl is try to defense by saying "Babe I'm on period, I eat a lot and I'm craving for dessert now" - A plate of banana chocolate cheese with vanilla ice cream - Ooops!

And the good is food- I mean the food is good. Yum! I'm not a dessert person but I like chocolate, I like ice cream, and most of all, I like you. Omm Nom Nom Nom

Oh, please: pretty sincere about this.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Meal without Wine Called Breakfast

What's on your mind when the night comes and you wake up in the morning with your beloved?

Ehm...! Breakfast will be the part of your lovely day for sure. Forget about what happened last night but I really love to ask one of my favorite silly question:

Coffee, Tea, or Me?

And I always love to hear from him:

Well, it's not me what he eat for breakfast but I can find him more into tea rather than coffee. Got two times found him twice a day with tea while I randomly could choose coffee or tea; depends on the mood.

Yet after he left, I'm surprised that I always choose tea in my favorite coffee shop. Do I miss being myself to keep choosing coffee as good way to start the day somehow? Nope.

I miss you. I miss having you and your tea while I'm having my coffee.

Starbucks Bali Galeria, Tuesday, 19 February 2013.
It's raining outside and hard for me to breathe.

I keep sending you a picture, I keep write a post about you and never give up with the distance. Hell yea!

And... I keep dreaming as day dreaming is my favorite guilty pleasure *big smile*

 Here: Home- where the heart is:

I heart coffee, he heart tea, I heart him, he heart me :')

So, would you like an adventure now, or shall we have our tea first? - Peter Pan -