Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saved on Instagram

Are you spending more time during quarantine on your Instagram? What is your time on your Instagram? How many accounts you have? And what do you like about it? What kind of posts did you save on your Instagram?

Here's mine:
  • I am not spending more time during #dirumahaja or #stayhome because on regular days, I am spending time on Instagram anyway,
  • My daily average time I spent per day this week during #quarantine is 1h32m,
  • I have 5 accounts with me; 1 is whatever I post, whatever I like, whatever I save, where my friends are, etc. 1 is my true love, Max Moore. 1 is my everything, Roxy Kanahaya. 1 is the account I had on 2016, I separate my personal and professional account because my ex-GM is a total bitch who always related my personal life to professional life; I can't even have my WhatsApp Profile Picture wearing a dress even though it's my phone, I pay for the phone bill as well. Sucks, so I made that account and I don't use it anymore as I am not working in that hell anymore anyway, haha. 1 is for F & B; every picture is either food or beverage and I only follow food bloggers, restaurants, recipes online, etc. Though I have 5 accounts in total, I'm wise enough to use it, I am not using any accounts to stalk and hide from my loved ones to sneak or stab from behind, I am not creating any accounts for my delusional project to impress (which this can be used for stalking as well). Oh, please!
  • What I do like about Instagram; I can see what my friends doing especially those who are far away from me, I can see dogs and animals from all over the world, I can see the news in shorter duration, I can see restaurants promotion, and just like Lee, I like Instagram Direct Messages because we can un-send messages. He said "I can redact messages I wanted to say but then get scared of afterward. Perfect for me! Hahaha." I miss you, Lee, I do :')
  • And this is the latest 15 I saved on my Instagram account: (I capture the pictures with the account names so you can follow them directly)

Home Decor - Anything with high ceiling, books shelves, cement, huge window, I love it. But I look at the tiny ones as well lately:

Quotes - Who doesn't like quotes, by the way? I do, from the serious to not serious, sarcasm, poet, you name it:

Anything funny that sooo me or what I feel right now, which better take it in a jokes way other than crying yourself and read a sad poem:

British touch; the jokes, the accent. Lee normally sends me a lot, which he couldn't do it anymore :') Oh, of course, I have saved his post on his birthday as well. You are the sweetest soul, Lee, gone too soon, it's 5 months now and I still check my phone in the morning to see your morning messages. This is crazy.


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