Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fly Your Flag

"Why am I doing this to myself?" is probably a very rare question that you ask yourself. It's good to stare at your reflection in the mirror sometime and forget what people opinion's for a second because you probably never be enough. 
"Your chin is too sharp, your eyes too small, your belly is too big, your teeth not white, your hair is too dry, you're too this, you're too that. You're too speak up, you such a bitch."

Over the last 5 years, I force myself to be not who I am just because someone I care about.
And I just want to be someone that really spoke about things that I really felt, honestly. I'd like to trust that "we actually know how to act when someone's being inappropriate with us. We giggle or we try to brush it off while we don't have to do that. Tell them to go fuck themselves - be a bitch. If someone's being disrespectful to you, be disrespectful right back. Show them the same amount of respect that they show you". I would love to trust that, read that again. 
Maybe not here, not where the society wants you to be perfect at least for sake of image.

So I ask myself, "am I the only one that start losing myself?" I listen to the songs, I read the articles, I talk to my inner circle, and quotes some good sayings from P!nk:

She said, "The world is change now. It's not about outer beauty. It's about inner beauty, confidence.
I feel like I've kept my integrity. You know you always be popular.
When you are woman with a lot of opinions and you don't back down and you don't apologize.
It's hard. It's hard for people. But it's.. I'm okay with it. 'Cause I like me.
I'm very polarizing. Some people would merge with me, and other people would run away as fast as they can.
But it's always work out for me. For how I feel about myself and for the kind of friendship and relationship that I have.
I'm all about crying. It's kinda tired for my tears.
I believe that woman and girl can do anything. People can do anything and be whatever they want to be."

And I listen to her song as well, delivers a message against depression, self-harm and suicide:

So I whisper myself "Don't lose who you are" :')

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