Monday, June 10, 2019

There's Tear When I Blink

It took me almost 30 years to understand what my Grandma (from my Father) said. When I was little I never understand why I’m not allowed to be in Sukabumi with my Mom’s family. She said I will be surrounded by village kids who play at the dirty ditch, who doesn’t have a proper manner.
Huh? I thought my mom part of the blue blood of her family and we have to treat people nicely?
–  It’s not about that –

I’m not allowed to eat the food from the cart or whatever sell through someone that going around the housing area? Except for the branded bread with a proper truck and in a plastic which considered hygiene otherwise I’ll get sick from bacteria.
– Just do that –

We are meeting a lot of people that not behave the same how we being educated. We are not having the same Grandma who tried her best to teach her -not only- granddaughter to conquer the world.
You meet people who didn’t say please and thank you.
You meet people who don’t have anything but keep talking about what they will have and use it as a power to be accepted by the environment.
You meet the people at the beach who will record a video of your dogs without any permission.
You meet the people at the beach who will judge your dog by the look and think that fluffy long hair dog is a better breed.
We are surrounded by all of these things and people who talk too much.
Nothing we can do, we can’t even ask our surrounded to have the same understanding and it is fine. They either accept you the way you are or they can stand against you as well. And it is fine. Our circle will attract itself in such a way. Who we making friends with, who we date, how we eat, what we read, etc.

So you are the people you surround yourself with, is my Grandma message. The food you eat has to be hygiene so you will be just healthy, have fun and enjoy the day instead of sick in bed.
I miss her. I miss how she calls me Cut (Cut is one of the nobility titles in Aceh, where I grow up). I miss how she treats all the grandchildren fairly. And she might miss the chance to see what I’ve become :’)

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