Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Forgiveness I Learned from Roxy

My dear Roxy, I always wonder about these things:
If you could talk, what would you like to say to me?
If you could hear, what other compliments you want to hear from me?
And if we could sit and talk right now, would you teach me about that forgiveness?

My pretty girl, know that I love you this much that I could cry every time I miss you. I never knew that I will love you this much. You're the sweetest rescue, you have no idea how tragic your life before; that I thank God, Mario & Antonella and your Dad, Gareth to save you. 
They leave you to pieces and you still forgive them.

You become an adorable furever puppy with that big brown eyes and beautiful lashes. You wag your tail for every time you see me. You sleep in my arms, you're being so small inside my hug. You sit next to me regardless of any emotional baggage I might be holding, and all of the humble gesture of yours.

If you are that amazing with all the broken past, who am I complaining that I can't move on or can't be the better version of me, Rox?
I woof you. And so your Dad. We're living in perfect confused harmony that we no longer question about. We are just as happy as you are. We are the team, to ensure you and your brother happy. To provide you a home feeling. And to always learn from you, about forgiveness.

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