Wishing you always the best of everything on your birthday. May sunshine in Bali always brighten your path, may every event turn out just the way you wish for.
I'd like to thank you for the laughter, stupid jokes, all good fun (or not) times, for always caring and being there for me and soon for my son, he he he.And as you celebrate the next year of your life, I hope that you end up falling in love and in a relationship with someone; who reminds us not to be so blinded by perfection, to look at the other side of the coin, who never lets you lose who you are, who thinks that hurting you also hurts him, and most importantly, who doesn't mind hurting other people's feelings when it comes to you.
I love you, attaching our picture not from 16 years ago, but -God knows how many years ago- lol. And I still don't understand what we are actually doing???
hey you...apa kabar?