Saturday, May 7, 2016

May the 4th Be With You

Tuesday, May 4th, 2016

"Ralph I'm going to serve my resignation letter today. I can't stand anymore."


Those sentences are part of my anxiety that keeps bothering me lately. It is! And I'm hospitalized for twice in only 3 months different. Same ill, same medicines, same pain, and I'm sure, same cause.
I draft my resignation letter without knowing what will happen after. I just did it and I let the draft written without any exact date. Just, draft. And serve. If possible.

I was planning to give 'that' letter in June so I can look after him when his lovely daughter off for summer holiday. But, just like other human and as I'm getting older, I can't bear any longer with something unhealthy and uncomfortable.

If on December I wrote how happy I am, I might too early to giving a wrong impression that time. I can't talk any further, but this good article, even the facial expression is represented about what happen here.

I used to like coming to Human Resources Department office when I was working for Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta. One time the Human Resources Director see me worry like an old woman, he just wisely said: "this is why we hire you because you simply being who you are."

Unfortunately, here, when I thought I was talking with the right person at the right time, she brings me too much feeling of hopeless and demotivated as she keeps talking what she wants, personally, about my personal. Oh, I thought I have my right to eat wherever, whenever and with whoever I want. Jeez, I can't even have my sick in a comfort place and for some reason, she's like to repeat racism conversation that makes find the answer why she can't even wear her watch properly.
This why I also not having my basic documents since 6 months I'm joining this property. 

Don't worry, the 4th is with me, even after 1 hour -whatever-talks-recorded- and I feel like I'm dying.

Darling, we judge because we don't understand. We don't understand because we judge.  

Center of problems? Probably! I'm not working to pay my hospital bill, by the way.

Yes, something wrong. Even a lot. 

I die. I'm done, I mean.

And on the 5th, my phone blinking, my own snow in the Sahara.


"What happen, stay in HK for a rest."